John D. Hafemann
As a civil litigator, Mr. Hafemann has recovered huge settlements for servicemembers all over the country whose Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act (SCRA) rights have been violated. Mr. Hafemann is an expert in this highly specialized area of law and the vast majority of his time is spent litigating against banks and lenders to ensure that active-duty servicemembers are afforded the protections and rights available to them and their families. Specifically, Mr. Hafemann has represented hundreds of servicemembers from wrongful foreclosures and other unfair lending practices by their banks, credit unions, and car dealerships, as well as wrongful evictions by their landlords and property managers.
As a result of his success in the courtroom, Mr. Hafemann was hand-selected to deploy to Afghanistan in 2011 to support the NATO Training Mission by educating and training Afghan prosecutors to restore the rule of law in the country. While in Afghanistan, Mr. Hafemann successfully investigated and tried high profile cases of rape, murder and terrorism. Additionally, during his deployment he was assigned as legal advisor to the insurgent detention facility in Bagram, to investigate and ensure the proper handling of insurgents and terrorists detained by U.S. and Coalition forces.
In addition to his traditional criminal law experience, Mr. Hafemann has extensive experience in classified litigation. As a prosecutor for the Office of Military Commissions, Mr. Hafemann was tasked with prosecuting suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for war crimes. As a prosecutor in Guantanamo Bay, Capt. Hafemann coordinated with multiple offices within the DoD, JTF, NSA, CIA, Department of Justice, FBI and foreign governments on a daily basis to successfully prosecute ongoing terrorist cases that require him to investigate, develop and organize thousands of pieces of evidence seized from around the world.
As a result of his accomplishments, Mr. Hafemann was nominated as the American Bar Association USMC Young Lawyer of the Year for 2010 and 2011 and for the 2012 George Van Cleave Military Leadership Award. Mr. Hafemann continues to serve as a Major in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and maintains an Active Top Secret/SCI security clearance.
Mr. Hafemann is barred in the States of California and Georgia.